Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Working with our buddies on Studyladder

Click on this Marikena

Cole, Duncan, Teesha and Ben- Great teamwork!

Te Aorangi and Aden

Lance showing Georgia his high scores

Gabriel, Ariana, Kaylee and Turuhira

Tia and Mark

Caleb, Montanah and Irene

Alex showing Nelly and Te Ihiko how its done!

Braedyn and Jessica loving Study Ladder

Tia trying to beat her high score

Nicholas lucky enough to have a laptop to himself

Great buddy work by Corey and Zoe

Ben, Teesha, Duncan, Cole

Marikena, Mikaira and Libby

Emma and Nelson looking very serious

That's better- loving the smiles

Kaylee trying hard on Study Ladder

1 comment:

  1. Well done Miss C, your blog is looking great! :) Mrs TB
